StoriesAll Stories Features Julie's Blog Videos Magazine Community Voices Image Spay and neuter grants for Los Angeles rescue groups Best Friends Animal Society will give out more than $918,000 in grants to rescue groups to spay or neuter and find homes for dogs and cats. Feature Image Cat convert Self-described dog person discovers a new love. Feature Image Dog enrichment equals happiness Various enrichment activities are incorporated to make the lives of dogs at Best Friends more enjoyable and happier. Feature Image Calico cat gets a job Calico cat, who is 15 years old, has some health challenges, and is missing her front claws and all her teeth, is the perfect office helper. Feature Image Border collie puppy with bowed back legs Border collie puppy with bowed back legs receives physical therapy and splints to strengthen his muscles and hold his feet in the right position. Feature Image Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges. When Best Friends came on the animal welfare scene in 1984, we were seen as kooky, but gradually our no-kill message spread and our reputation improved. Julie Castle Blog Image Cats transported to Oregon to be adopted The Cat Adoption Team in Oregon puts out a call to rescue groups to send their healthy, adoptable cats to them since they have open cages. Feature Image Puppy rescued from a ditch behind a gas station Puppy, who was starving and had severe mange, is rescued from a ditch behind a gas station. She receives medical treatment, TLC, and is adopted. Feature Image Box game keeps a bored dog engaged A bored dog is entertained and stimulated with a simple box game. Enrichment play can help a dog get exercise and have an enjoyable time. Feature Image Superstorm Sandy rescue dog Pit bull terrier mix dog with an endearing underbite, who was rescued during Superstorm Sandy, is adopted. Feature Image Abandoned bloodhound's new life Abandoned in front of Salt Lake County Animal Services, a female bloodhound dog is later adopted into the perfect home. Feature Image Blind cat rescued then adopted Blind cat with a host of other medical problems is rescued after being hit by a car. She gets help at the Sanctuary and has now found a home. Feature Image Horse with hoof problems gets relief Horse with severe hoof problems caused by bad genetics, improper care, and two conditions (navicular disease and ringbone) gets treatment. Feature Image Best Friends volunteer buys home in Kanab, Utah Volunteer Dee Willner buys a home in Kanab, Utah, near Best Friends Animal Sanctuary to be able to be close to and work with the shy dogs she loves. Feature Image Virtual volunteering Volunteer uses research skills to help Best Friends save animals. Feature Pagination Previous page First page 1 … Page 192 Page 193 Current page 194 Page 195 Page 196 … Last page 313 Next page