StoriesAll Stories Features Julie's Blog Videos Magazine Community Voices Image Putting the community in community cat Review of beginnings and history of trap-neuter-return (TNR) in Utah, and how support was incrementally gained for strategy for community cat care. Julie Castle Blog Image Working full time with cats Interview with Levi Myers, full-time cat caregiver at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary, who describes what his day-to-day work is like. Feature Image A dozen visits to Dogtown Volunteer Denny Erardi finds her niche volunteering at Dogtown, helping homeless dogs make progress, at Best Friends Animal Sanctuary in Southern Utah. Feature Image Training for shelter cats Shelter cats participate in Cat Pawsitive clicker-training, learning to come when called, sit, give head bumps and high fives, and more. Feature Image Adopting a kitten with FeLV Siamese kitten, who tests positive for feline leukemia (FeLV), is severely underweight, and has infected wounds, comes to the Sanctuary for help. Feature Image A premature kitten’s journey Kitten who was born prematurely and was the only surviving kitten of his litter gets help at Best Friends in L.A. and is then fostered and adopted. Feature Image Volunteering with baby kittens Interview with Connie Murphy who volunteers with baby kittens at Best Friends in Los Angeles. She describes what it's like to bottle-feed a newborn. Feature Image Good news in Texas and California for shelter pets Texas & California make up about 25 percent of the shelter animal killing happening in the US. Best Friends helps implement strategies to change this. Feature Image The Goon Show Best Friends CEO Julie Castle shares stories of her two dogs, Shadow a German shepherd and a small spaniel-type dog Stanley, who are best friends. Julie Castle Blog Image Rescued blind dog becomes therapy dog Rescued from an abandoned shed when she was a puppy, rescued dog, who is blind, becomes a therapy dog. Read how she comforts children. Feature Image Putting a Persian cat on the road to recovery Persian cat with dirty fur, runny eyes and nose, stenotic nares (closed nostril openings), and teeth problems gets help and is then adopted. Feature Image A big, loving home for a deaf senior dog Deaf senior dog, with a benign mass on her ear and skin allergies, receives medical help and is then fostered and adopted. Read the sweet story. Feature Image Why dog adoption is so rewarding Best Friends animal adoption specialist Lauren Kehoe explains why dog adoption is so rewarding by sharing two of her favorite adoption stories. Feature Image Pixar shows beautifully that every pet deserves a chance to have a happy life New Pixar 9-minute film called ‘Kitbull' is about the friendship of a stray kitten and an abused pit bull dog. Spoiler alert: It has a happy ending. Julie Castle Blog Image How physical therapy helped two kittens get moving Paralyzed, incontinent kitten and another kitten who battled a parasitic infection and lost muscle mass in his legs receive physical therapy. Feature Pagination Previous page First page 1 … Page 114 Page 115 Current page 116 Page 117 Page 118 … Last page 313 Next page