StoriesAll Stories Features Julie's Blog Videos Magazine Community Voices Image Livestreaming for homeless pets Learn how video game actor Katy Bentz got into livestreaming to raise funds for animals at Best Friends — and how you can, too. Learn about her motivation Feature Image Dreamers who do (for animals) Best Friends offers courses and support to people wishing to start animal sanctuaries. Learn about our accredited university course Best Friends Magazine Image Book reviews: Page-turners about all things canine Let’s dive into ‘The Purest Bond: Understanding the Human-Canine Connection,’ ‘Never Leave the Dogs Behind: A Memoir,’ and ‘Barking Up the Right Tree.’ Read more about the human-canine connection Feature Image Killing in shelters would end if 6% more people adopted Best Friends takes over Times Square to bring love home. Help get more dogs and cats out of shelters and into homes Julie Castle Blog Image Meeting the challenge of saving pets in Mississippi Best Friends is implementing proven strategies at the Rankin County Animal Shelter so that more dogs and cats get the second chances they deserve. Shelter save rate increasing Feature Image Spirited stray dog loses leg but gains a new home When the word went out that Koda needed a foster home following surgery, Kylie volunteered and, as it turns out, brought the boy home for good. Now they're a happy family Feature Image New programs help save more dogs and cats in Nebraska Best Friends and Nebraska Humane Society are working together on programs and strategies at the shelter that have had a profound impact on lifesaving. They now hope to be a guiding light to other organizations Feature Image Intern makes lasting impact for Brownsville pets Through her shelter marketing internship with Best Friends, Jazmin is helping homeless pets, raising awareness, and setting herself up for future success. Residents encouraged to get involved Feature Image Tennessee animal shelter’s rapid turnaround Rhea County Animal Shelter’s save rate hit the no-kill threshold four months in a row, enabling a Best Friends embed assignment to end three months early. Embed program offers a solid foundation Feature Image Faces of No-Kill: Homeless dog gets storybook ending After working with trainers to channel her energy and intelligence, Kimchi met the family she was destined to join. She's now home Feature Image 13 stories of volunteers who save pets’ lives They’re all amazing, and they all show up time and again to pitch in and help pets go from shelters to homes. Showing appreciation for all their help Feature Image Bubbly kitten thrives after emergency C-section Quick action from the Best Friends vet team saved the lives of Fizz and his mother, Soda. Around the clock care saves Fizz Video Image Diana Ross the dog finds her endless love Ain’t no mountain high enough to keep a once-stray dog from getting to a new home, thanks to a dedicated foster caregiver. Second time’s a charm Feature Image Faces of No-Kill: Injury won’t keep playful kitten down An accident left Bubba’s jaw severely injured, but this tiny tabby never lost his fun-loving spirit. Read how he bounces back Video Image Public support is the answer to Los Angeles Animal Services' crisis Angelenos are a largely untapped reservoir of support for shelter pets. Urge Los Angeles Animal Services to engage the public Julie Castle Blog Pagination Previous page First page 1 … Page 10 Page 11 Current page 12 Page 13 Page 14 … Last page 312 Next page