Pet Potbellied Pigs: Behavior and Socialization
Potbellied pigs are intelligent creatures who have complex thoughts and emotions, social hierarchies, and herd dynamics. To be content, they need the companionship of other beings, especially other pigs, but they can bond with humans as well.
How do pigs interact with each other?
Because they are prey animals, pigs need each other to feel safe. But they also need each other as companions with whom to play, eat, sleep, and sort out herd dynamics. Pigs should live with other pigs because they can provide enrichment, mental and physical stimulation, and companionship that other animals can’t give them.
In fact, a pig without piggy friends can become bored or depressed, which might lead to the pig exhibiting undesirable behaviors or even becoming ill. Besides, two pigs can entertain each other; if you have just one pig, you’ll need to provide a lot more physical and mental stimulation to keep your pig happy.
Introducing two pigs to each other
If you have one pig and you’re adopting a second one, be aware that the introduction needs to be done carefully. Pig introductions are notoriously “ugly,” especially if the pigs who are meeting haven’t lived with pigs before. You’ll need to be patient and understanding as the pigs adjust to this big change in their lives.
To make the introduction as safe as possible, start by putting the pigs in side-by-side enclosures for a few weeks to allow them to become accustomed to each other. When it is time to let them actually meet and greet each other, find a neutral area for the introduction.
Home starts with you
Regardless of how many weeks they’ve spent in neighboring enclosures, they will fight for dominance. The fighting won’t usually result in serious injuries (unless tusks are involved), but there might be superficial injuries that do bleed a bit. In most cases, after several minutes one of the pigs will give in and walk away in an act of submission. Before you house the pigs together, it’s a good idea to have several meet-and-greet sessions to slowly allow the pigs to get to know each other.
Are pet pigs affectionate with people?
Pigs can be wonderful animal companions for people, as they are affectionate, curious, and trainable. At Best Friends, we have had pigs who will climb right into our laps and ask for belly rubs. Many potbellied pigs also enjoy clicker training and Parelli Natural Horsemanship training.
With that said, some potbellied pigs have had bad experiences with people or have been neglected by them. These pigs generally come around and trust humans, but it can take time for them to feel comfortable with people. If a pig is pressured into interacting with people, they will retreat emotionally. So the caregiver needs to be understanding, nurturing, and patient while waiting for the pig to gather the courage to trust a human.
Do pigs get along with other pets?
It’s possible for pigs to get along with other animals — including dogs, cats, horses, and goats — but they do best hanging out with their own species. Allowing dogs and pigs to interact can be especially risky because dogs are predators and pigs are prey animals. To be absolutely safe and prevent injury or attacks, pigs and dogs should never be together without human supervision.
How do pigs show dominance?
At Best Friends, we often hear of behavioral issues from pigs in homes in which the pigs “challenge” people or other animals. They might nip or lunge at them, give them a head swipe, or forcefully nudge them for attention. These behaviors are usually dominance games that pigs would be playing with each other. If a pig nudges you and you move away, the pig might assume they’ve won the dominance game and are now your boss.
We believe the best way to address this type of dominance behavior is to use a stick to set boundaries and defend your personal space (your “bubble”). If the pig comes through your bubble, they’ll bump into an obstacle — the stick you have in your hand. If they stop and don't come through your bubble, they get rewarded with a pet and scratch from the stick.
Instead of disciplining the pig (stomping your feet, saying “No!” emphatically, or clapping your hands) every time the pig gets pushy, come in first with your stick and casually and unemotionally use it to show you have a bubble. In this way, you’re conveying that it’s nothing personal; you're just telling the pig where your body begins and ends.
These dominance behaviors are part of working out herd dynamics and establishing a leader of the herd. Prey animals like pigs need a leader in their herd because in the wild the leader shows them places to eat, sleep, and drink that are safe from predators. In homes, pigs still have to know who the leader is; otherwise, they won’t feel safe.
If you adopt a pair of pigs, they typically are less inclined to play these dominance games with humans. That’s because the pigs have someone of their own kind around who not only understands piggy language but also is better at speaking it than we are.