Why Is My Cat Not Using the Litter Box? Part 2: Box Setup Issues One reason a cat may not be the litter box is because they’re unhappy with the box itself. Image
Why Is My Cat Not Using the Litter Box? Part 1: Medical Issues When your cat doesn’t use their litter box, they’re trying to tell you something is wrong in their life, and it's up to you to figure it out. Image
What Do Cat Slow Blinks Mean? A lot of memes show the squinty-eye cat face as cats being mean or judgy, but it’s quite the opposite. Learn all about cat slow blinks. Image
How to Get Cat Pee Out of Furniture and Carpet If your cat has an accident, we hope these tips help relieve the smell as well as some of your stress. Image
Why Adopting Kittens in Pairs Is a Good Idea Believe it or not, adopting two kittens makes life easier than adopting just one! Image
Video: Fostering Bottle-Baby Kittens Is Fun Bottle-baby kitten fostering is a heartwarming and magical experience! Image
Kitten development and what you can do Time and effort are required to properly socialize kittens. Image
Fostering moms and kittens Mother cats need to be in a calm environment so that they can be stress-free and feel like they are keeping their kittens safe. Image
Caring for independent eaters Tips on kitten feeding, health, litter box training, socializing, and more. Image
Fostering bottle babies This resource provides instructions for caring for bottle-feeding kittens (“bottle babies”) – very young kittens who have been abandoned or orphaned. Image
Urinary Incontinence in Dogs: Signs, Causes, Treatments Learn about the common signs, causes, and treatments of urinary incontinence in dogs. Image
Kennel Cough in Dogs: Symptoms, Treatments, Vaccine Kennel cough in dogs is an upper respiratory tract infection. Learn about canine kennel cough symptoms, treatments, vaccination, and more. Image
What Vaccines Does a Horse Need? Learn about the core vaccines for horses, how to develop a vaccination schedule, allergic reactions, and more. Image
Equine Dentistry: How to Take Care of Horses' Teeth How do you take care of your horse's teeth? Here's what you need to know about equine dentistry. Image
Dog Ear Problems: Signs, Common Causes, Treatment Learn common causes and symptoms of dog ear problems, as well as potential treatment methods. Image