What to Expect With a New Puppy

You’re thinking about taking the plunge and adopting a wriggly bundle of joy, otherwise known as a new puppy. Here are a few things to expect with a new puppy before you bring your dog home.

New puppy responsibilities

Adopting a puppy is a huge commitment. For one thing, you can’t leave a puppy home alone all day. Most young puppies need to get outside every two hours to eliminate. If the puppy you adopt hasn’t been house-trained, you'll have to work on that skill with them.

Learn how to house-train a dog

You’ll also want to consider how caring for a puppy will fit into your lifestyle. Puppies are generally pretty rambunctious and require a lot of attention, playtime, and exercise. If you’re exhausted at the end of your workday and just want to take a relaxing walk, you might want to think about adopting a more mature dog. On the other hand, a puppy could be perfect for you if you work from home, have an active lifestyle, and/or have other people in your home who will help provide care.

Socializing puppies

Puppies need to be socialized to the wide world, so they won’t be afraid of new situations, objects, sounds, people, and other animals. Dogs should be thoroughly socialized when they are puppies (especially between 3 to 20 weeks old) because it’s critical to their lifelong well-being and their ability to be comfortable in the world. 

To have a happy, well-adjusted dog, you’ll need to have the time and patience to socialize your pup in a positive way. What sort of things does a puppy need to be introduced to? Here’s a partial list:

Home starts with you

When we work together to bring our best friends home, we help loving pets find the families they’ve been dreaming of, and we get the country closer to ending the killing of pets in shelters. Let’s bring our best friends home.
  • Different types of people, including male and female, young and old, tall and short, loud and quiet
  • People wearing hats, glasses or sunglasses, helmets, coats or capes with hoods up, gloves, and masks
  • Household items and sounds, such as the sound and movement of the vacuum cleaner and other electrical appliances
  • Handling and grooming, including touching of all the puppy’s body parts
  • Car rides
  • Walks in the neighborhood or to the park once the puppy is fully vaccinated
  • Other animals, especially dogs but also any other domesticated pet the puppy might encounter later in life

Basic puppy training

To enhance your dog’s social skills, you’ll need to commit to basic training — teaching your puppy to walk nicely on leash, take treats gently, play with dog toys (not your hands), refrain from jumping up on people, and respond to basic cues (such as “sit,” “down,” “come,” and “stay”). 

Time and patience will be required. Being conscientious about socializing and training your puppy will result in a dog who is happier, more relaxed, and welcome in more places. For both training and socialization, we strongly recommend taking all puppies to a socialization class with a relationship-based behavior consultant.

How to find a good dog trainer

Before adopting a puppy, make sure the other human members of your household are enthusiastic about the decision and understand the commitment involved. If everyone is not on board, make sure you will be able to provide the puppy’s care and socialization by yourself — and also that the other humans in the house will respect the work you are doing with your puppy. 

One of the keys to successful training is consistency, so everyone in the house must work with the puppy in the same way. If you have young children, you’ll need to monitor them when they’re interacting with the puppy to ensure the safety of both them and the dog — and to prevent them from teaching the puppy bad habits.

Merrily the tri-colored puppy chewing on a piece of plastic

Other pets and your new puppy

Finally, consider how a puppy will affect your other pets, as they are part of the family, too. If you have an older cat who doesn’t like dogs, for example, having an inquisitive puppy around might be stressful for your kitty. By contrast, a puppy might put a spring in the step of a dog who’s been pining for a canine companion. 

If your other pets seem stressed by having a puppy in the house, make sure you are giving your puppy plenty of mental and physical stimulation to tire them out. Plus, make sure your other pets get plenty of time with you without the puppy around, so they can relax.

Books on raising a puppy

For more information about raising a puppy, we recommend the books Before You Get Your Puppy and After You Get Your Puppy by Ian Dunbar and The Puppy Primer by Patricia McConnell and Brenda Scidmore.

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Best Friends Animal Society is working with you to save the lives of cats and dogs all across the country, giving pets second chances and happy homes.

Just a few short years ago, cats and dogs were killed in staggering numbers in this country simply because shelters didn't have the community support or the resources to save their lives. That number is now less that half a million per year, but there's still work to do to ensure a bright future for every dog and cat in America.

Best Friends operates the nation's largest no-kill sanctuary for companion animals and is committed to saving the lives of homeless pets by working with shelters and passionate people like you. Together, we will bring the whole country to no-kill in 2025. Together, we will Save Them All.