Cat Wheelchairs and Carts: What You Need to Know Some cats might benefit from a cat wheelchair or cart to increase their mobility. Here are some cat wheelchair FAQs. Image
FAQs About Dog Wheelchairs Dog wheelchairs and carts can help dogs with special needs due to injuries or disease. Here's what you need to know about dog wheelchairs. Image
How to Express a Cat's Bladder If you're caring for an incontinent cat, you might need to learn how to express a cat bladder. Here are some tips and step-by-step instructions, though you should always ... Image
Caring for an Incontinent Cat Caring for an incontinent cat can be a rewarding experience, though it does take some knowledge and dedication. Learn more about cat incontinence. Image
Tips to Care for a Deaf Dog or Deaf Cat Get answers to FAQs about deaf dogs and deaf cats, including living with and caring for pets who are hearing impaired. Image
Tips to Care for a Blind Dog or Blind Cat Learn how to care for a blind dog or blind cat, including helping them adapt to blindness and how to train pets who are blind. Image
Three-Legged Dog and Three-Legged Cat FAQs Three-legged dogs and three-legged cats can live long, happy, healthy lives with minimal adjustment to compensate for their missing limb. Image
Rehoming a Pet With Special Needs Do you need to rehome a pet with special needs? Learn ways to promote the animal, along with websites for pets with specific special needs. Image