Why Adopting Kittens in Pairs Is a Good Idea Believe it or not, adopting two kittens makes life easier than adopting just one! Image
Video: Fostering Bottle-Baby Kittens Is Fun Bottle-baby kitten fostering is a heartwarming and magical experience! Image
Caring for independent eaters Tips on kitten feeding, health, litter box training, socializing, and more. Image
Fostering bottle babies This resource provides instructions for caring for bottle-feeding kittens (“bottle babies”) – very young kittens who have been abandoned or orphaned. Image
Eco-Friendly Pet Products: Toys, Food, and More Eco-friendly pet products can benefit both your pet and the environment. Get ideas for recycled DIY pet toys, organic foods, and more. Image
Overweight Dogs and Cats: Pet Obesity Risks Overweight pets are at increased risk of diabetes, pancreatitis and joint problems. Diet, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight is important. Image
Cat and Dog Arthritis: Integrative Treatment Options Besides medication, learn about integrative treatment options for cat and dog arthritis, including diet changes, supplements, and physical therapy. Image
The Best Parrot Diet (and Toxic Foods to Avoid) Learn about the best parrot diet to feed your pet birds to keep them healthy — plus toxic foods that aren't safe for birds. Image
New Cat Checklist: Welcome Your New Feline Friend Home Are you bringing a new cat home? This new cat checklist will help you learn what you need to welcome your new pet home. Image
Feeding Your Dog Wondering what to feed your dog? Read about dog foods available, including dry, wet and even vegetarian options, as well as other feeding considerations. Image
Feeding Your Cat Feeding your cat can be a challenge. Should you feed her wet or dry food? What if he is a picky eater? What if she is overweight? Read on for help. Image
Caring for Orphaned Newborn Puppies: Feeding, Socializing, and More If you're caring for orphaned newborn puppies, here are tips for feeding, weaning, basic medical care, disease prevention, vet checkups, and socialization. Image
Bottle-Feeding Kittens: A Comprehensive Guide This guide provides instructions for caring for bottle-feeding kittens — aka "bottle babies" or very young kittens who have been abandoned or orphaned. Image
What to Feed a Potbellied Pig What do pigs eat -- or rather, what should be in a pig's diet? Read about the best foods and supplements to feed potbellied pigs and why obesity is a problem. Image
Senior Dog Care: Tips to Keep Older Dogs Happy and Healthy If you're caring for a senior dog, there are some specific factors to consider. Follow these tips to keep an older dog happy and healthy. Image