Pit Bull Facts: Resources on Pit Bull Terriers and Breed Restrictions
Best Friends Animal Society wants to help folks learn the truth about pit bull terriers amid the many pit bull myths and misconceptions that surround these dogs. The following resources will help you understand pit bull terrier-type dogs and advocate for them.
Pit bull terriers, dog breeds, and discrimination
- Visual breed identification study: Surprising results of a research project developed to compare the best guess visual identification of dogs versus the actual DNA breed make up.
- The Case Against Dog Breed Discrimination by Homeowner's Insurance Companies, by Larry Cunningham, Esq.: Many homeowners insurance companies make underwriting and rate-setting decisions by restricting dog breeds rather than relying on fact and rationality. This article explains why this is wrong and why legislatures have the right and duty to correct this unfair practice.
- Companion Animal Renters Program: Compiled by The Foundation for Interdisciplinary Research and Education Promoting Animal Welfare (FIREPAW), this program offers information for both tenants and landlords about pet-friendly housing.
- The Fiscal Impact of Breed Discriminatory Laws at the Dawn of Doggy DNA by Katie Barnett, Ledy VanKavage, Esq. and Lauren Gallagher (PDF 1.7 MB): This is a discussion on how DNA impacts breed-specific legislation.
- Aggression and Dogs: Is there a difference among breeds and aggression levels that could be a valid rationale for concern?
- An Exploratory Analysis of the Emergence and Implication of Breed Specific Legislation: Knee Jerk Reaction or Warranted Response by Niki Huitson 2005: This is a thesis on whether breed-specific legislation is warranted.
- Justice for the Vick-tims by Ledy VanKavage, Esq.: Breed restrictions and canine profiling is on the rise. Pit bulls and other targeted dogs need our compassion and dedication to challenge such practices, demand justice for the real victims, and make pet owners responsible rather than the dogs.
- National Canine Research Council: The National Canine Research Council is committed to preserving the human-canine bond. The organization publishes, underwrites, and reprints accurate, documented, reliable research to promote a better understanding of our relationship with dogs.
Challenge: Pit bull biases and assumptions
- Can you find the pit bull terrier owner?
- Can you find the Labrador retriever?
- Can you find the pit-bull-terrier mix?
Organizational positions regarding breed restrictions
- American Bar Association: In August 2012, the American Bar Association passed Resolution 100 calling for all state, territorial, and local legislative bodies and governmental agencies to repeal any breed-specific provisions and to adopt comprehensive breed-neutral dangerous dog/reckless owner laws that ensure due process protections for owners, encourage responsible pet ownership, and focus on the behavior of both dog owners and dogs.
- American Veterinary Medical Association: This article from the AVMA recommends encouraging responsible pet ownership rather than banning breeds.
- Platte Institute for Economic Research: This Platte Institute article declares that pit bull bans are a waste of tax dollars.
- U.S. Department of Justice: The U.S. Department of Justice has ruled against breed restrictions for service animals. This article provides more information.