Pet Assistance Resources for Economic Hardship
If you face the possibility of having to give up your pet due to economic hardship, please check out these pet assistance resources:
- List of national and state resources for pet owners in need (from HSUS)
- Find Pet-Friendly Rentals across the United States (from My Apartment Map)
- Pet Financial Aid Resources for Low-Income Families
If you are facing foreclosure, please see the helpful resource about foreclosure provided by the American Humane Association.
Home starts with you
If you can't afford to feed your pets properly:
- Contact your local animal shelter, humane society, or SPCA. Oftentimes, these organizations are able to help provide pet food to families in need.
- Contact your local food bank or food pantry. Many food assistance programs for people will also provide pet food.
- Search for a pet food pantry near you on pets.findhelp.com.