Urinary Incontinence in Dogs: Signs, Causes, Treatments Learn about the common signs, causes, and treatments of urinary incontinence in dogs. Image
Kennel Cough in Dogs: Symptoms, Treatments, Vaccine Kennel cough in dogs is an upper respiratory tract infection. Learn about canine kennel cough symptoms, treatments, vaccination, and more. Image
Dog Ear Problems: Signs, Common Causes, Treatment Learn common causes and symptoms of dog ear problems, as well as potential treatment methods. Image
Cataracts in Dogs: Signs, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment Learn about the causes of cataracts in dogs plus potential signs of cataracts, diagnosis, and treatment. Image
Why Is My Dog Itching So Much? Possible Causes and Dog Itch Relief Learn about the possible causes of excessive dog itching, as well as some treatments for dog itch relief. Image
Eco-Friendly Pet Products: Toys, Food, and More Eco-friendly pet products can benefit both your pet and the environment. Get ideas for recycled DIY pet toys, organic foods, and more. Image
Why Spay and Neuter: The Benefits for Pets Fixing, desexing, sterilizing, castrating: Whatever term you use, spaying and neutering dogs and cats is important. Learn spay/neuter benefits, facts, and myths. Image
Summer Pet Safety Tips: Keeping Dogs and Cats Safe in Hot Weather Learn tips for keeping pets safe in hot weather, including signs of heatstroke in dogs and cats. Image
Pica in Dogs: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment Pica in dogs is a condition in which a dog eats non-food items. How do you know if your dog has pica and how do you treat pica in dogs? Here's what to know. Image
Overweight Dogs and Cats: Pet Obesity Risks Overweight pets are at increased risk of diabetes, pancreatitis and joint problems. Diet, exercise and maintaining a healthy weight is important. Image
Cat and Dog Arthritis: Integrative Treatment Options Besides medication, learn about integrative treatment options for cat and dog arthritis, including diet changes, supplements, and physical therapy. Image
How Often to Vaccinate Dogs and Cats Learn about the different vaccines for dogs and cats, as well as how often you should vaccinate your dog or cat. Image
Degenerative Myelopathy in Dogs: Signs, Stages, Treatment Degenerative myelopathy in dogs is a disease that affects the spinal cord. Learn about degenerative myelopathy signs, stages, and potential treatments. Image
Cat and Dog Parasites: Fleas, Ticks and Worms Get information about dog and cat ectoparasites and internal parasites, including fleas, ticks, heartworms, and testing and treatment options. Image
How to Keep Dogs Warm in the Winter How cold is too cold for a dog? Learn tips to keep dogs warm in winter or cold weather. Image
How to Give a Dog a Pill Getting dogs to take pills can be challenging. This resource gives thorough tips and tricks. Image