How to Use Visual Barriers for Dog Reactivity and Fence Running

A visual barrier is something opaque, such as a curtain or tarp, that prevents a dog from seeing what’s on the other side of a fence or window. Most often, visual barriers are used to help manage dog barrier aggression and frustration. When dogs can’t see a trigger, such as a person or another dog, on the other side of a barrier, they’re less likely to become reactive. 

Benefits of dog visual barriers

There are several potential benefits of visual barriers for dogs:

  • Prevent injury: Some dogs might run, jump, and twist at a see-through barrier, which can result in injury.
  • Stop overexercise: Some dogs are prone to running along barriers when they can see to the other side — e.g., fence running — which might result in overexercise and excessive weight loss.
  • Promote safety: Visual barriers can help to prevent bites from occurring through a fence.
  • Manage stress: See-through barriers can cause some dogs to be in an overly anxious or excited state. 
A visual barrier is a solid wall that prevents dogs from seeing what’s on the other side

Dog fence running

Fence running refers to when dogs run back and forth at a fence line. This behavior is often triggered by something the dog sees on the other side, such as a passing person, dog, or car. Visual barriers remove the stimuli and can help minimize this behavior.  

If your fence is see-through, such as a chain-link fence, consider adding opaque material or tarps to create a visual barrier. Moreover, if aggression at the fence line is a problem, you could attach an additional layer of solid fencing (creating a double fence) if your dog — oYou can attach an additional layer of fencingr the neighbor’s dog — is willing to bite through soft material. Or you could set up a freestanding run with no shared fence lines. 

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Another thing to try: Set up path obstacles along the fence line. The goal is to help the dog decide to run less. Faced with path obstacles, many dogs decide that fence-line running is not as exciting as it once was.

Here are some considerations before putting up visual barriers along a fence:

  • Visual barriers are not allowed in every community.
  • The cost of construction and maintenance could be considerable.
  • Some dogs will continue to have the same behavior even with a barrier in place, or they might develop other undesirable behaviors that then need to be addressed.
  • If you have a scenic view from your yard, you’ll lose it. 

Other strategies

Dogs who are fence-line runners might be doing it partially because they are bored and/or don’t get enough exercise; simply putting up a visual barrier won’t resolve this.

Here are some other strategies to try:

  • Spend time every day interacting with your dog.
  • Avoid leaving your dog in the yard alone for long stretches of time without a mental activity for them to do.
  • Teach and practice basic cues.
  • Teach and practice fun tricks and activities.
  • Take your dog for daily walks on leash.

The key is to make sure your dog is exercised physically and mentally every day.

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Best Friends Animal Society is working with you to save the lives of cats and dogs all across the country, giving pets second chances and happy homes.

Just a few short years ago, cats and dogs were killed in staggering numbers in this country simply because shelters didn't have the community support or the resources to save their lives. That number is now less that half a million per year, but there's still work to do to ensure a bright future for every dog and cat in America.

Best Friends operates the nation's largest no-kill sanctuary for companion animals and is committed to saving the lives of homeless pets by working with shelters and passionate people like you. Together, we will bring the whole country to no-kill in 2025. Together, we will Save Them All.