Enrichment hikes make dogs more adoptable

Every month, several of our most dedicated dog-walking volunteers gather bright and early at our Mission Hills Lifesaving Center to take some of our dog residents on an off-site hike. It's a great way for the dogs to get out of the kennel environment to stretch their legs and have fun. Not to mention the exercise that the two-legged attendees are getting as well!
The shelter environment can be stressful for dogs, but shelter staff and volunteers can help ease that stress by providing enrichment opportunities and activities, such as offsite outings. Our enrichment hikes provide a safe opportunity for our dogs to spend time on-leash around other dogs and people, and also help dogs become more adoptable. Every dog needs our assistance to become more adoptable or to stay adoptable until he/she finds a wonderful home.
If you'd like to get involved, step one is to sign up to volunteer with us! All volunteers will be asked to create a volunteer account and attend an Onsite First Day Training to get started. From there, volunteers have the opportunity to continue their education and experience with our dog population by elevating their paw color by participating in additional trainings to build dog handling skills.
Photos courtesy of volunteers David Glazer and Todd Roisman