It's not too late to participate!

Best Friends' second annual National Action Week for Animals took place June 10–15, 2024 but the trainings are now available on demand. We'll show you how to create sustainable, locally-driven change for animals through efforts that benefit many animals at once — all from home!

Advocate with confidence

Not sure how to start advocating for animals? Looking for tips and tricks to help save lives? We’ll guide you through everything you need to know during the National Action Week for Animals.

Daily virtual sessions include:

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Monday, June 10

Unite and inspire: Where YOU fit in the no-kill equation

Introduction to no-kill advocacy and what reaching no-kill looks like, featuring a welcome from Best Friends CEO Julie Castle.

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Tuesday, June 11

Communicate for change: When and how to talk to people about animals

Dos and don'ts for engaging different audiences in your effort, including elected officials.

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Wednesday, June 12

Put it in writing: Why your community needs a no-kill resolution (and how to start one)

Bringing it all together, this session will provide tangible steps for introducing a no-kill resolution/proclamation in your community. 

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Thursday, June 13

Keep learning: Deep dives into assorted advocacy topics

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Friday, June 14

Keep learning: Deep dives into assorted advocacy topics

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Saturday, June 15

Day of action: Bringing no-kill home

Silhouette of two dogs, cat and kitten

Take action right now

We look forward to seeing you for NAWA 2025 but here are some ways to start helping animals in the meantime.

First, pledge your support for a no-kill nation:

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About the 2025 Action Team

The 2025 Action Team is a community-driven, grassroots movement to help save more dogs and cats across the country.

We work with people like you to help create sustainable changes that save lives. When you join the 2025 Action Team, you become part of a group of advocates who believe that all pets and people deserve compassion, and that — when we work together — we can create real change for dogs and cats in need.