Adoptable pigs at Best Friends Sanctuary in Kanab, Utah Bring love home! From 3/1 to 3/31, $DOGS will be waiving all adoption fees. Find out more » 37 pets available for adoption Search by name Looks likeKunekuneOtherVietnamese Potbelly Secondary BreedMixOther AgeBabyYoungAdultSenior SizeSmallMediumLargeX-Large ColorBlackGrayTanWhite SexFemaleMale Sort by Newest ArrivalsLongest StayList A-ZFeatured Vincent Josie Magnolia Milosh Kit Oscar Molly Mary Jane Spencer Ivy Fifi Jubilee Theresa Colin Corwin Karen Claire Martina Chester Batman Petunia Jelly Lucille Mia Petunia Cornelia Crystal Kevin Wally Willow Cameo Smitty Jared Roxy Napoleon Sullivan Smalls Kennedy