Male Pony, Shetland named Snickers available for adoption

Adoptable Male Male
  • Adoptable Male Male
  • Adoptable Male Male
  • Adoptable Male Male
  • Adoptable Male Male


Sanctuary (Kanab)
Looks like
Pony, Shetland
Estimated Birthdate

Snickers is a lovely older Shetland pony type gelding who has obviously worked hard all his life. He has earned a nice retirement, for sure, and he has a few physical challenges, but is still lively and full of vim and vigor. He was born in approximately 1990, so he is a senior citizen but still has a lot to offer and a lot of life to live. He is a great companion pony and has lived with a variety of other horses and ponies. Because of his aging teeth, he needs a diet of soaked hay pellets rather than hay. We're happy that he came to Best Friends so that we can help him to find a happy forever home with someone who can love and appreciate him for the amazing little guy that he is.